Journal Articles
“GTL regression: a linear model with skewed and thick-tailed disturbances,” with Takuya Hasebe, Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation, available online 12 Apr 2021, DOI: 10.1080/03610918.2021.1901918 .
“GMM inference in spatial autoregressive models,” with Süleyman Taşpınar, Osman Doğan, Econometric Reviews, 2018, 37, 8, 931-954. DOI: 10.1080/00927872.2016.1178885 .
“Pregibit: a family of binary choice models,” with Chu-Ping C. Vijverberg, Empirical Economics, May 2016, 50, 3, 901-932. DOI 10.1007/s00181-015-0951-x.
“Linking Tukey's Legacy in Financial Risk Measurement,” with Chu-Ping C. Vijverberg and Suleyman Taspinar, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Annals of Computational Financial Econometrics, August 2016, 100, 595-615.
“Public Infrastructure as a Determinant of Intertemporal and Interregional Productive Performance in China,” with Feng-Cheng Fu and Chu-Ping C. Vijverberg, Journal of Productivity Analysis, August 2011, 36:1, 91-111.
“Five Diagnostic Tests for Unobserved Cluster Effects,” with Jielai Ma, Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation, 2010, 39:6, 1212-1227.
“On the Structure of Labor Demand: An Analysis of the DOT Data,” with Joop Hartog, Applied Economics, 2010, 42:13, 1747-1760.
“Self-Selection Bias in Estimated Wage Premia for Earnings Risk,” with Bas Jacobs and Joop Hartog, Empirical Economics, October 2009, 37:2, 271-286.
“Entrepreneurship, Selection and Performance: A Meta-analysis of the Role of Education,” with Justin van der Sluis and Mirjam van Praag, Journal of Economic Surveys, December 2008, 22:5, 795-841.
“Schooling, Skills, and Risk,” with Joop Hartog, Economics of Education Review, December 2007, 26:6, 759-771.
“On Compensation for Risk Aversion and Skewness Affection in Wages,” with Joop Hartog, Labour Economics, December 2007, 14:6, 938-956.
“Diagnosing the Productivity Effect of Public Capital in the Private Sector,” with Chu-Ping C. Vijverberg, Eastern Economic Journal, Spring 2007, 33:2, 207-230.
“Entrepreneurship Selection and Performance: A Meta-analysis of the Impact of Education in Developing Countries,” with Justin van der Sluis and Mirjam van Praag, World Bank Economic Review, November 2005, 19:2, 225-261.
“Does Family Income Matter for Schooling Outcomes? Using Adoption as a Natural Experiment,” with Erik Plug, Economic Journal, October 2005, 119, 879-906.
“Chow and Wald Tests for Parameter Equality under Conditions of Heteroskedasticity,” with Kyoun-Sup Chung, Korean Econometrics Review, June 2004, 15:2, 27-57.
“Schooling, Family Background, and Adoption: Is It Nature or Is It Nurture?” with Erik Plug, Journal of Political Economy, June 2003, 111:3, 611-641.
“Why Cooperate? Public Goods, Economic Power, and the Montreal Protocol,” with Kurt Beron and Jim Murdoch, Review of Economics and Statistics, May 2003, 85:2, 286-297.
“Neighborhood Housing Prices: The Precise Distinction of Homogeneous Submarkets based on Chow and Wald Tests,” with Kyoun-Sup Chung, Housing Studies Review, May 2003, 11:1, 139-153.
“Household Enterprises in Vietnam: Survival, Growth, and Living Standards,” with Jonathan Haughton, NghiLn Cuu Kinh TL (Vietnam Economic Studies), 2003, no. 296 (pp. 44-57) and 297 (pp.30-40) (reprint in Vietnamese).
“The Participation Decision versus the Level of Participation in an Environmental Treaty: A Spatial Probit Analysis,” with James C. Murdoch and Todd Sandler, Journal of Public Economics, February 2003, 87:2, 337-362.
“Rectangular and Wedge-Shaped Multivariate Normal Probabilities,” Economics Letters, July 2000, 68:1, 13-20.
“The Quantitative Methods Component in Social Science Curricula in View of Journal Content,” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Fall 1997, 16:4, 621-629.
“Public Capital and Private Productivity,” with Chu-Ping C. Vijverberg and Janet L. Gamble, Review of Economics and Statistics, May 1997, 79:2, 267-278.
“An Analysis of the Housing Market Before and After the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake,” with Kurt J. Beron, James C. Murdoch and Mark A. Thayer, Land Economics, February 1997, 73:1, 101-113.
“Monte Carlo Evaluation of Multivariate Normal Probabilities,” Journal of Econometrics, January 1997, 76:1-2, 281-307.
“Monte Carlo Evaluation of Multivariate Student's t Probabilities,” Economics Letters, July 1996, 52:1, 1-6.
“Returns to Schooling in Non-Farm Self-Employment: An Econometric Case Study of Ghana,” World Development, July 1995, 23:7, 1215-1227.
“Dual Selection Criteria with Multiple Alternatives: Migration, Work Status and Wages,” International Economic Review, February 1995, 36:1, 159-185.
“Comparing Earnings Profiles in Urban Areas of an LDC: Rural-to-Urban Migrants vs. Native Workers,” with Lester Zeager, Journal of Development Economics, December 1994, 45:2, 177-199.
“Job Complexity and Wages,” with Hans van Ophem and Joop Hartog, International Economic Review, November 1993, 34:4, 853-872.
“Educational Investments and Returns for Women and Men in Côte d'Ivoire,” Journal of Human Resources, Fall 1993, 28:4, 933-974 (Symposium on Investment in Women's Human Capital and Development); reprinted in T. Paul Schultz, ed., Investing in Women's Human Capital (Chicago: University of Chicago, 1995), Ch. 11, 304-342.
“Measuring the Unidentified Parameter of the Roy Model of Selectivity,” Journal of Econometrics, May-June 1993, 57:1-3, 69-89.
“Labor Market Performance as a Determinant of Migration,” Economica, May 1993, 60:238, 143‑160.
“Measuring Income from Family Enterprises with Household Surveys,” Small Business Economics, 1992, 4, 287-305; reprinted in Zoltan J. Acs, ed., Small Firms and Economic Growth (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publ., 1994).
“The Private Wage Sector in Côte D'Ivoire: Homogeneity or Heterogeneity?” with Jacques van der Gaag, Southern Economic Journal, October 1991, 58:2, 406-422.
“Profits from Self-Employment: A Case Study of Côte d'Ivoire,” World Development, June 1991 19:6, 683-696.
“Heteroskedasticity in Simultaneous Equation Systems: An Instrumental Variable Approach,” with Si-Gyoung Lee, Economics Letters, 1991, 37:2, 133-138.
“Selectivity and Distributional Assumptions in Static Labor Supply Models,” Southern Economic Journal, January 1991, 57:3, 822-840.
“Non-Farm Self-Employment and the Informal Sector in Côte d'Ivoire: A Test of Categorical Identity,” Journal of Developing Areas, July 1990, 24:4, 523-542.
“A Switching Regression Model of Public-Private Sector Wage Differentials in Peru: 1985-86,” with Morton Stelcner and Jacques van der Gaag, Journal of Human Resources, Summer 1989, 24:3, 545-559.
“Wage Differentials and Moonlighting by Civil Servants: Evidence from Côte d'Ivoire and Peru,” with Morton Stelcner and Jacques van der Gaag, World Bank Economic Review, January 1989, 3:1, 67-95.
“Wage Determinants in Côte D'Ivoire: Experience, Credentials and Human Capital,” with Jacques van der Gaag, Economic Development and Cultural Change, January 1989, 37:2, 371-381.
“A Switching Regression Model for Wage Determinants in the Public and Private Sectors of a Developing Country,” with Jacques van der Gaag, Review of Economics and Statistics, May 1988, 70:2, 244-252.
“Non‑Normality as Distributional Misspecification in Limited Dependent Variable Models,” Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, November 1987, 49:4, 417-430.
“A Test of Heterogeneity of Family and Hired Labour in Asian Agriculture,” with Anil B. Deolalikar, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, August 1987, 49:3, 291-305.
“Decomposing the Earnings Differentials in Peninsular Malaysia,” Singapore Economic Review, April 1987, 32:1, 24-36.
“Consistent Estimates of the Wage Equation When Individuals Choose Among Income‑Earning Activities,” Southern Economic Journal, April 1986, 52:4, 1028‑1042.
“Discrete Choice in Continuous Time as a Dynamic Programming Problem,” The American Economist, Fall 1984, 28:2, 9‑17.
“The Heterogeneity of Family and Hired Labor in Agricultural Production: A Test Using District‑Level Data From India,” with Anil B. Deolalikar, Journal of Economic Development, December 1983, 8:2, 45‑69.
“Applying Game Theory to Library Networks,” with Jacob Cohen, Journal of the American Society of Information Science, September 1980, 31:5, 369‑374.
Book Chapters
“Returns to Schooling in Non-Farm Self-Employment in Ghana,” in V. Gupta, N. Levenburg, L. Moore, J. Motwani, and T. Schwartz (eds.), A Compendium on the Family Business Models Around the World (ten volumes) Hyderabad: ICFAI University Press, 2008, Vol: Family Business in Sub-Saharan Africa, Ch.2, p.19-38.
“Household Enterprises in Vietnam: Survival, Growth, and Living Standards,” with Jonathan Haughton, in David Dollar, Paul Glewwe, eds., Economic Growth, Poverty and Household Welfare: Policy Lessons from Vietnam, Ch. 4, 95-132, Washington DC: The World Bank, 2004.
“Probit in a Spatial Context: A Monte Carlo Analysis,” with Kurt Beron, in Luc Anselin, Raymond J.G.M. Florax, and Sergio J. Rey, eds., Advances in Spatial Econometrics, 169-195. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2004.
“Household Enterprises,” with Donald C. Mead, in Margaret Grosh and Paul Glewwe, eds., Designing Household Survey Questionnaires for Developing Countries: Lessons from Fifteen Years of the Living Standards Measurement Study (Washington DC: The World Bank, 2000), Chapter 18: Vol. 2, 105-137; Vol. 3, 349-406.
“The Impact of Schooling and Cognitive Skills on Income from Non-Farm Self-Employment,” in Paul Glewwe, ed., The Economics of School Quality Investments in Developing Countries: An Empirical Study of Ghana, (St. Martin’s Press, New York, 1999), Chapter 6, 206-252.
“Nonfarm Household Enterprises in Vietnam,” in David Dollar, Paul Glewwe, and Jennie Litvack, eds., Household Welfare and Vietnam’s Transition, (World Bank, Washington DC, 1998), Chapter 5, 137-178.
“Educational Investments and Returns for Women and Men in Côte d'Ivoire,” In T. Paul Schultz, ed., Investing in Women's Human Capital (Chicago: University of Chicago, 1995), Ch. 11, 304-342. (Reprint of article under the same title in Journal of Human Resources, Fall 1993, 28:4, 933-974)
“Measuring Income from Family Enterprises with Household Surveys." In Zoltan J. Acs, ed., Small Firms and Economic Growth (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publ., 1994). (Reprint of article under same title in Small Business Economics, 1992, 4, 287-305)
“Human Capital,” in Frank N. Magill, ed., Survey of Social Science: Economics (Pasadena, CA.: Salem Press, Inc., October 1991), 987-993.
“Discrete Choices in a Continuous Time Model: Lifecycle Time Allocation and Fertility Decisions,” in T.P. Schultz and K.I. Wolpin, eds., Research in Population Economics, Vol. 5 (JAI Press Inc., Greenwich, CT, 1984), 51‑85.
Research Reports
The Rural Investment Climate: Analysis and Findings, with Kees van der Meer and Richard Burcroft, Washington DC: The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank, October 2008, 260+xx pages.
The Rural Investment Climate: It Matters and It Differs, with Kees van der Meer, Richard Burcroft, and Don Larson, Report 36543-GLB, Agriculture and Rural Development, The World Bank, June 2006, 143 pages.
Selected Other Papers
“Student Learning in a High-Stakes Accountability Environment: Spotlight on Student Ability,” with Daniel O’Brien, November 2004.
“Early Human Capital Skills and Labor Market Entry.” May 2004.
“Effects of A Formulary Expansion on the Use of SSRIs and Health Care Services by Depressed Patients in California Medicaid Program,” with Lizheng Shi, Jeffrey S. McCombs, Thomas W. Croghan, Glen L. Stimmel, May 2001.
“Betit: A Class That Nests Logit and Probit,” IZA Discussion Paper 222, December 2000.
“Measuring Performance in Living Standards,” with Chu-Ping C. Vijverberg, October 1999.
“Efficiency and Technological Change in Township-Village-Enterprises in China in 1983-1995,” with Yong-Sheng Chen, Political Economy Working Paper No. 98-3, March 1998.
“Household Income and Micro-Enterprise Profitability in an Economy in Transition: Vietnam, 1992-1993,” July 1997.
“Small Sample Properties of Chow and Wald Tests under Conditions of Heteroskedasticity with an Application of Neighborhood Housing Prices,” with Kyoun-Sup Chung, September 1994, Political Economy Working Paper No. 95-27.
“Non‑Agricultural Family Enterprises in the Côte D'Ivoire: A Descriptive Analysis,” Welfare and Human Resources Division, The World Bank, LSMS Working Paper 46, April 1988.
“Testing for Bivariate Normality with the Type-AA Distribution,” February 1986 (revised, November 1989).
“Non‑Normality in a Censored Two‑Equation Model,” Discussion Paper 8508, Illinois State University, June 1985.
“Time Diary Surveys: What Can We Learn From Them?” with Leslie A. Laufer, Center Discussion Paper 453, Yale University, February 1984.
“Production Functions with Factor‑Oriented Scale Sensitivity,” with John C.H. Fei and Chu‑Ping C. Vijverberg, Center Discussion Paper 447, Yale University, December 1983.
“Some Thoughts on Korliras’ “Disequilibrium Macro‑Economic Model”,” Working Paper 125, Department of Economics, University of Pittsburgh, February 1981.
“De Duur van de Werkloosheid” (“The Duration of Unemployment,” in Dutch), with Wouter Siddré, Ab van Ravenstein, and Ko de Vries, Discussion Paper 7605/G, Institute of Economic Research, Erasmus University of Rotterdam, 224 pages, June 1976.